HUB Uxborough

We're growing! We're gearing up for our newest facility, currently accepting applications from industry partners and organizations ready to take next steps.

Learn more

Innovation to Impact

We are committed to helping life sciences and health tech companies scale up. With our state-of-the-art facility, we provide critical resources, connections, and infrastructure needed to succeed.

life science innovation




Together, let’s bridge the gap between brilliant innovation and a viable company.

Biohubx is the variable that gets innovation to market. With scalable lab and office space, expertise, community connections and access to capital, we help emerging ventures commercialize.

Our goal

To streamline the manufacturing process for innovators and companies and spark a thriving life science industry in Alberta.

Our plan

To launch life sciences companies and groups forward by providing our expertise, support, and resources.

taking bioscience discoveries from bench to marketplace is a tricky equation – let’s solve it together


life science innovation +


= start-up success

Incubator resources for new life science companies are well established in Canada. We extend that support to help ventures manufacture and commercialize their innovations.

life sciences industry +


= viable market

Alberta has all the critical elements for successful commercial clinical research. We have world-class academic and medical scientists and a cost-effective gateway to North American markets.

Biohubx offers infrastructure and network support for multinational pharma and medical device companies to establish a successful presence here.

the Biohubx model

We partner with prominent industry partners and co-locate start-ups to create a community of collaboration and sharing of know-how and critical resources.

need office space?

We can grow with you! Find out how we can help you launch your company's new headquarters.

market-ready companies

life science innovation



market-ready companies


Biohubx provides business infrastructure and acumen to bring products to market including:


  • Space: A multi-tenant hub of offices, core services, and shared and private labs under a quality management system
  • Services: Shipping, water, sterilization, security, IT
  • Industry events
  • Rapid validation lab
  • Virtual office services

Design and Capital

  • Access to capital
  • Product and commercial design
  • Business and organizational models

Professional Services

  • On-site technical staff
  • Scientific advisory services


  • Strategic partnerships
  • Connections (access to supply chain and manufacturing support, technical/R&D services, product design, marketing, workforce development)
  • Industry events
  • Advocacy (promote sector growth and facilitate product commercialization on a global scale)
  • Pan-Alberta (National and International)

established industry partners

life science companies



thriving life science ecosystem


Biohubx de-risks the process of setting up shop in Alberta by connecting outside companies with the expertise, facilities and support they need to succeed.

Services include:

  • Local expertise that extends access to North America
  • Extensive ecosystem of contacts
  • Engagement with post-secondary institutions
  • Coordination and management of space
  • Information on common pathways and connections
  • Mechanisms and advocacy for translation of clinical data

contact Biohubx

Looking for space? Information? Support? Reach out to learn how Biohubx can help your company.
Call us at 1-877-246-4829

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